
And here we are again.
An age has gone by since I looked back.

The tragedies of world have kept me occupied and in the midst of all of this I have found a little bit of happiness or to be more precise, what happiness actually looks like.

The old definitions have changed for age has played its hand. For instance Love is like an ocean wave. Sometimes very high- full of fury and sometimes a low tide, shy and receding.

Conventional ideas of life have become obsolete and the present demands evolution and tough decisions. Pragmatism is the theme and age is no more ‘just a number’.
The burden of responsibility is very real and so is the power of tolerance that resides deep within me..

The conflicts that plague this world mirrors the ones that go on within me.
Tired of the old wars and dead stories of the past that are reimagined and tainted by the light of some forgotten glory.

The nature of the world today is such that it pushes you to take up an extreme position, making it easier to be put into a box. And sometimes it becomes hard to focus on the most important issues.

Every step forward has become harder to predict as the goalpost keeps shifting.
What to hold on to and what to let go has become a very difficult task.

Maybe it’s time to rethink about personal goals and aspirations. Maybe it’s time for newer philosophies.
Maybe it’s time to change !

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